Policy Number: III-18
Last Reviewed: June 20, 2019
Responsible Dept.: Human Resources
Office to contact for clarifications: Human Resources
A signed copy of this policy is available in the President’s Office.
The Virginia Western Community College compensation philosophy plan is to pay employees in a manner designed to recruit, retain, develop, and reward a qualified, committed and diverse workforce that provides quality services in a fiscally responsible manner. The plan for administering in-band adjustments is designed to support this philosophy.
Compensation Philosophy Plan – A plan that outlines Department of Human Resources Compensation Management System and stands to ensure that consistent, equitable pay practices are followed. The plan addresses the college’s internal compensation philosophy, policies, responsibilities, approval processes, recruitment, selection, and other pertinent information.
Delegated Authority Agreement – The delegated authority agreement shall govern the actions taken at the college. Authority is granted up to and including positions in Pay Band 4 for the exception of any position within the college’s Human Resources Office. Actions beyond the delegated authority agreement shall be submitted to the VCCS Human Resources Office before any communication with the affected employee(s) occurs. Actions beyond a Pay Band 4 or for positions within the college’s Human Resources Office is submitted to VCCS for consideration.
In-Band Adjustment –A multi-faceted pay practice that allows agency management the flexibility to adjust employees’ salaries on the basis of change in duties, professional/skill development, retention, and internal alignment. In-band adjustments provide employees potential salary growth by recognizing career progression, and provide management with tools to resolve specific salary issues. An adjustment may occur to the base salary or given as a one-time bonus.
Based on Department of Human Resources Policy 3.05 Compensation, and the college’s Compensation Philosophy Plan, each in-band adjustment action as listed below, the college will have the approval authority as defined in its delegated agreement, subject to post-audit by the VCCS Human Resource Office and/or Department of Human Resources Management.
In accordance with state policy, in-band increases are non-competitive. In order to be eligible an employee must be rated at the contributor level or higher to receive any type of in-band adjustment. The specific amount of increase will be determined by the college. Employees should not consider in-band adjustments an entitlement.
The colleges may grant the entire increase at one time; however, an increase may be split into two or more fiscal years. Every effort will be made to provide the entire increase at one time as opposed to splitting the increase over two or more fiscal years. However, the number of affected employees or the extent of data in alignment situations may call for multiple fiscal years being involved.
For all categories of in-band adjustment, the college has these options available, but the use of any of the adjustments are not mandatory. Employees should not consider in-band adjustments an entitlement.
For all categories of in-band adjustment, the college has the option to award increases as an in-band bonus as an interim measure only when budget constraints require time to develop funding to support a base-pay salary adjustment. The commonwealth’s preference, however, is to grant base pay adjustments whenever appropriate and financially feasible.
VWCC will not utilize in-band bonuses, unless no other means of effecting the action exists.
Changes in Job Duties and Responsibilities
Employees may be provided a base salary increase for assuming new duties or changes in duties. The purpose of this salary increase is to recognize an employee’s increase in duties and responsibilities. In order to be considered for an in-band adjustment, new duties should be of at least 15%. Also, based on a classification review, these changes may not warrant a new role change with a higher pay band assignment. The classification review will not occur until the employee has successfully performed the new duties and responsibilities for a least a 180-day period and with an expectation that these new duties will continue.
Application of New Knowledge/Skills/Abilities (KSAs) from Education, Certification, Licensure, Etc.
For individuals who attain professional certifications or licenses or degrees, we will encourage and support the use of incentive options. Such incentives will be provided within the constraints of limited resources available to colleges for such actions and will be prioritized based on the application of mission-critical analyses of recruiting and retention issues. The VCCS will not support retroactive payment to those who possess professional certifications or licenses or degrees prior to implementing Compensation Reform. Employees must request approval in advance for consideration of their planned goal in order to be compensated once the goal is attained. Credentials that are requirements for a job by State Code, or are required for selection and taken into consideration at the time starting pay is negotiated, cannot be used as a basis to support subsequent compensation adjustments.
Colleges may choose to continue to support reimbursement of college courses for employees seeking a degree, certification or licensure or for a job-related course. However, additional compensation may or may not be given for the completion of the certification, licensure, or degree.
Application of KSAs from receiving education, licensure or certification must be demonstrated and applicable to the position currently held. Receipt of a degree, license or certification that cannot be related to the position held or a position within a defined line of career progression will not call for an in-band adjustment solely because the degree, license or certification has been attained. The approved plan for attainment of the goal must address how the pursuit of the activity will ultimately impact the position, the organizational unit and the college, and how the application of the KSAs derived will affect the performance in the position. These considerations will lend support to the legitimacy of the request for an in-band adjustment.
Degrees must be job related. A plan must be developed in advance showing degree curriculum and receiving approval by the supervisor and president prior to successful completion of the degree program.
An In-Band Adjustment for application of new KSAs will vary based upon the nature of the position and the degree, certification or licensure attained. A licensure or certification may bring as much or more value to a particular position as the attainment of a degree. The rigor of the professional development activity and its direct relationship to the position will be determined by the appropriate vice president and the salary increase will be commensurate with the applicability of the activity to the position.
Retention (i.e. responding to salary market changes, labor market fluctuations, etc.)
An in-band adjustment for retention is an increase granted to prevent employees from seeking employment outside the agency in occupations that have high visibility in the labor market when salaries have not been as competitive with the marketplace. Typically, in-band adjustments for retention are granted to all employees in a particular functional area to avoid turnover but may be for a group of positions in the same role.
Internal Alignment, Salary Compression and other Internal Inequities
An increase may be granted to align an employee’s salary more closely with those of other employees within the same agency who have comparable levels of training and experience, similar duties and responsibilities, similar performance and expertise, competencies, and/or knowledge and skills.
Additional Information:
DHRM Policy 3.05 Compensation
VWCC Compensation Philosophy Plan
VCCS Compensation Philosophy Plan
Delegated Authority Agreement
VWCC In-Band Adjustment for Classified Staff Procedure
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