Innovation LOI Deadline Approaching – November 1st
Faculty and Staff Friends,
We are approximately 1 month away from the Educational Foundation’s Innovation Grant Letter of Intent deadline, so here is a reminder of the details! Let’s keep it simple to start with the definition of innovation:
in·no·va·tion ˌi-nə-ˈvā-shən
1: a new idea, method, or device: NOVELTY
2: the introduction of something new
The Educational Foundation’s Innovation Focus
Innovation is creativity in action: The introduction of new ideas, projects or methods to address a need or solve a problem. The Educational Foundation annually awards the Faculty and Staff Innovation Grants to encourage academic enrichment activities. These awards are typically not funded by the VCCS’s professional development initiatives, the Equipment Trust Fund or the college’s regular operating budget. Faculty and staff, which includes adjunct faculty and part-time staff, should consider proposing innovative projects, novel approaches, and creative activities that support Virginia Western’s mission, vision, core values, and goals.
What type of projects are considered for funding?
Some sample ideas include:
• Experimental or instructional equipment not funded through the college’s operating budget process
• Innovative instructional methods and procedures, including technology-based approaches
• Materials (as pertain to the direct design/creation/methodology of the proposal)
• Activities in support of new courses
• Guest speaker for a course (or group of faculty) related to teaching and learning (travel expenses)
• Student and faculty visitation to field sites
• Projects not funded by VCCS professional development initiatives
What is the range of grant awards?
Grants will typically range from $1,000 up to a maximum of $10,000.
What are the timeframes for proposals and projects?
The 1st Step: Is to submit your bright idea through the Innovation Grant LOI process. –
Deadline November 1st, 2023 The Letter of Intent introduces your Bright Idea to the Educational Foundation. This is a required process to be considered for a full application proposal. If your LOI is approved, you may then move on to submit a full application. This process also enables the Educational Foundation and the Grants Office to provide feedback to assist you in crafting the best full application. LOI approval or denial notification will be received by 11/15/23. For planning purposes, project timeframes would run between June of 2024 and the end of March 2025.
2nd Step: If your LOI is approved, you will be invited to complete a Full Innovation Grant Application
Deadline March 1st, 2024 This step requires a more complete application that includes a developed budget and justification of expenses, as well as the signatures of the applicant’s supervisor, the Vice President over your department and the Grants Office. Your bright idea will be more fully developed for this proposal and you will be asked for project goals and objectives, your target population and anticipated evaluation and assessment.
3rd Step: Proposal Review and Funding Notification The Educational Foundation’s Scholarship and Grants Committee meets to review and approve submitted proposals and will make funding decisions in mid-May of 2024 with anticipated funding notification by 6/1/24.
4th Step: Projects Begin and Reporting Expectations Grant funding will be available between June 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025. You will be required to submit two reports to the Educational Foundation.
Midterm Report (due 10/18/24) and a Final Report (due 3/31/25)
5th Step: Celebrate Project Success and Share Details With Our Campus!
So, now you know the process…. take some creative time and share your bright ideas through a LOI submission! Have more questions, or need more information? Check out the link to the Foundation’s Innovation Grant page below to find out more, see the LOI form for submission, or contact myself or Carolyn Payne @ the Foundation (540-857-6371 or cpayne@virginiawestern.edu).
Happy Innovating!
Shelley Lyons
Administrative Officer for Grants Administration
Fishburn Hall, F204
Want to submit an Innovation Grant LOI for 24/25, the deadline is 11/1/23. Bright Ideas Innovation Grants – Educational Foundation – Virginia Western Community College