Introducing Social Media Specialist Jamie Dillard and Submitting Social Media Requests

The Marketing & Strategic Communications team is thrilled to welcome Jamie Dillard–yes, a third marketing Jamie/Jaime!!–to the team. Jamie is a native of Roanoke, graduating from Patrick Henry High School where she took dual enrollment courses through Virginia Western. She spent the last three years as a marketing teacher at Fairfax County Public School’s South County High School teaching approximately 135 students each day. This role required Jamie to keep her finger on the pulse of social media and marketing trends especially as it relates to young people and their social media preferences, engagement, trends, etc. Before moving to Northern Virginia, Jamie developed, managed, and created content for social media for several local businesses and nonprofits.
Have something exciting you want to share about Western on our social media sites?
Use the link below and a member of our team will reach out to you once your form has been received. Please allow 1-2 business days for a member of marketing to contact you.

Social Media Content Submission Form can be found by clicking here.