Dr. Gary Simonds Presents on Resilience and Burnout in Healthcare on April 23rd at 3pm in Whitman

Please join us for a presentation by Dr. Gary Simonds, retired Chief of Neurosurgery from Carilion Clinic, on Resilience and Burnout in Healthcare. Having spent the bulk of his career as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Simonds is no stranger to the toll that this type of work can take on healthcare workers. Tuning in you’ll hear him expand on the nature of burnout, why it can be so difficult to recognize, and what we can do to build resilience. To hear his insights on this complicated subject, and his advice on how to address it, be sure to attend his presentation on Tuesday April 23rd at 3pm in Whitman Auditorium. Your attendance will get your name into a raffle for one of his books!

He’s the author of three books on the subject, namely, Building Resilience in Neurosurgical Residents, The Thriving Physician, and Thriving in Healthcare. And his most recent publication, Death Pale’s Flag, a highly-successful brain surgeon begins to encounter ghosts.

Any questions about this event, please contact Darla Summers at dsummers@virginiawestern.edu.