Celebrate 1st Gen Students on November 7!

Please block some time on your calendar on November 7th for CELEBRATE 1st GEN!
We need your support at our OPEN MIC
Hosted by CCAP & TRIO

Monday, November 7th
11:30am – 1:30pm
3rd floor Student Life Center

ALL Students, Faculty & Staff are Encouraged to Participate!
*Sing (karaoke style or acapella) * Read an inspiring poem or quote*
*Share your Story about being a 1st Generation College Student *
This is very impactful for our current students to hear.

Sing with a student – there is a prize for the best duet involving a Student & Faculty/Staff!

(The US Dept of Education defines 1st Gen as a situation where neither of a student’s parents/guardians have earned a Bachelor’s degree. So, a student doesn’t necessarily have to be the 1st in their family to GO to college to be 1st Gen. By this definition, almost 50% or more of our students are 1st Gen!)

Questions? Email Kitty Walls cwalls@virginiawestern.edu