Special Event – Speaker: Dr. Tracy Fanara, Environmental Engineer and Television Personality (Mythbusters)

Thursday, October 13

2 p.m.

Whitman Theater

Program: Reimagining the Possible

From a young age we are asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” My sister wanted to be a snowman and live in Florida, but I was much more practical. From a young age, I felt that I needed goals and I should stick to them to be successful. I achieved my college goal, and landed a job as an engineer.

However, while working as an environmental engineer,  I saw a water crisis unfolding.  For the first time in my life, I embarked down an unpaved path and I didn’t know where it would lead. Through this, I’ve learned to take on the “uncomfortable” obstacles, and even some battles. It wasn’t easy, but it’s been worth it. This talk will take the audience through the path of most resistance, leaving them inspired to create the world they want to see.

This program is open for students of any program/major! Great for anyone interested in challenging your thinking or looking for inspiration to create a better future!  Co-hosted by the School of STEM and the Student Activities Office.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Tracy Fanara is an environmental engineer, scientist, storm chaser, and television personality with a BS, ME, and PhD from the University of Florida’s College of Environmental Engineering. Tracy currently serves as a scientist for the National Ocean Service (NOS/NOAA) and has consulted with NASA on aquaponic systems for producing carbon fiber on Mars.

Dr. Fanara is a resident of the Tampa Bay area, and has been sharing information about the effects of Hurricane Ian to Florida water systems on her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inspectorplanet/?hl=en

She is a notable expert on Florida’s “red tides”. (See her talk to Jim Cantore about it on The Weather Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiJV5bu8lSU)

In addition to her scientific accomplishments, Dr. Fanara has co-produced a series of STEM comic books (“Seekers of Science”), runs STEM summer camps for girls in the Tampa Bay area, and was a finalist for the SpaceX project “Dear Moon”.   She has appeared as an expert and TV host on national outlets like National Geographic (When Sharks Attack), Science Channel (Mythbusters), Weather Channel (Weird Earth, AMHQ, Weather Underground), ABC (Animal Outtakes), and was featured in Marvel’s Unstoppable Wasp comic book.

Get to know Dr. Fanara on her YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/InspectorPlanet

Marvel’s Unstoppable Wasp:


