Does Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) allow any personal use of our PC workstations?

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  • VWCC provides its employees with computer equipment and online access to internal and external networks so that users may communicate on business matters more effectively, and accomplish VWCC’s goals.
  • VWCC recognizes that this College asset, like College-owned telephones, fax machines, and copiers, also provides employees the capability to use these technologies for non-business purposes. Although VWCC’s computer assets are intended for business purposes, VWCC will allow minimal personal use of PC workstations under the following conditions:
    • The personal use does not violate the Information Technology Employee Ethics Agreement.
    • The personal use does not violate other VCCS policies and procedures.
    • The personal use does not interfere or adversely affect the individual’s ability to perform his/her duties and responsibilities to VWCC.